Decorating 101: Tips To Making An Old Home Look New While On A Budget
Moving into a new house is such a liberating experience. Not to mention, a huge achievement. However, over time, you just can’t help but notice the paint starting to chip, cabinets looking a little old, and rooms seem a tad bit outdated.
Of course, you wouldn’t want to jump right away into an expensive home renovation. You’ll have to think of the overall budget, what themes to incorporate, the labor, and the timeframe, among many others.
But what if you can actually overhaul a completely old-looking home into a new one without breaking the bank? Think it’s impossible? Think again.
Here are some awesome new tips to making an old home look new while still on a budget:
Clean, Clean, Clean!
Yup, that’s right. Clean away! You might think that the reason behind your home looking and feeling a little gloomy is because it needs major reconstruction. Well, sometimes, it’s just a matter of perspective added with a little touch of organization.
Any home would look new, neat, and presentable when it’s clean and organized. So, clean away! Schedule a general house cleaning once or twice a month. Throw out all junk and unnecessary clutter to give your house that much-needed space. Sweep and mop the floors, wipe the counters, polish the bathroom, do whatever it takes to make your home clean and spotless. From there, you can decide whether or not it still needs major overhauling or not.
Don’t Buy Everything All At Once
Before splurging on unnecessary things, make a run-through of the whole house. What other furniture does your bedroom need? Will this couch look good in the living room or the entertainment room?
Make sure you keep a checklist of all the things you’re going to be needing. Decide on which ones are worth the purchase and which ones are not. After all, you know better than splurging on seasonal items. Sooner or later, you’ll find yourself locking it up in the garage. So, spend wisely.
Do It Yourself
One of the best and most effective ways of making an old home look new while still on a budget is DIY-ing. Not only do you get to stay within budget, but you can also add a personal touch to your home. Why not turn an old door into a sliding barn door? All you will ever really need is your [former] door, a sliding roller track, and a quick tutorial guide on the Internet!
Home renovation is so much easier and affordable when you DIY as compared to purchasing new stuff and hiring labor to do the job. The best thing about this is that you get a one-of-a-kind experience, and you don’t have to be a hardware savvy to get the hang of it. Replace kitchen cabinet handles and pulls, install new doorknobs and locks, paint your own room, or build your own desk all for the price of something way cheaper than expected.
Replace Your Hardware
Another easy yet significant way of overhauling your old home into a new one involves replacing your old hardware. If you still have old and outdated hardware installed, maybe it’s the perfect time to replace them with new and updated ones. Sometimes, the reason why a home feels so much older than it actually is roots back to the design of your overall hardware. Change old taps, cabinets, and door handles into modern ones and witness how your space magically transforms into a has-been to a highly-developed, updated, and fully-furnished house.
While you’re at it, maybe we’ve got the perfect tools to kickstart your home renovation. You may view our catalog or contact us here for more details.